Jay and Shireen’s Wedding at Puspanita Hall in Putrajaya

Portraiture by the lake: Fuji X-E1 with the XF18-55mm F2.8-4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F4.5, ISO200.
Portraiture by the lake: Fuji X-E1 with the XF18-55mm F2.8-4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F4.5, ISO200.
Portraiture by the lake: Fuji X-E1 with the XF18-55mm F2.8-4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F4.5, ISO200.

Jay and Shireen’s wedding was held at the Puspanita Hall in Putrajaya. The Christian ceremony was a small and intimate ceremony performed in the foyer atrium of the main hall. The dinner was simply huge. Puspanita hall can seat some serious numbers.

This wedding was shot using the Nikon D3 and the Fuji X-Pro1 and X-E1 cameras. The images below all came from the Fuji X-E1. We like it’s lightness and it seems to be a nicely responsive camera.


Ring shot. Fuji X-E1 with the XF18-55mm F2.8-4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F5.6, ISO200.

Ring shot. Fuji X-E1 with the XF18-55mm F2.8-4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F5.6, ISO200.

A tighter ring shot. Fuji X-E1 with the XF18-55mm F2.8-4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F5.6, ISO200.

A tighter ring shot. Fuji X-E1 with the XF18-55mm F2.8-4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F5.6, ISO200.

The ring cushion. Fuji X-E1 with Leica 50mm attached via adapter. ISO200. Other exif data not recorded.

The ring cushion. Fuji X-E1 with Leica 50mm attached via adapter. ISO200. Other exif data not recorded.

Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F2.0, ISO200.

Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F2.0, ISO200.

Quick enough focusing for the walk in. Fuji X-E1 with the XF18-55mm F2.8-4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F5.0, ISO800.

Quick enough focusing for the walk in. Fuji X-E1 with the XF18-55mm F2.8-4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F5.0, ISO800.

Another walk in shot. Fuji X-E1 with the XF18-55mm F2.8-4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F4.5, ISO800.

Another walk in shot. Fuji X-E1 with the XF18-55mm F2.8-4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F4.5, ISO800.

Candids require closer contact: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F1.8, ISO200.

Candids require closer contact: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F1.8, ISO200.

Ring exchange. An essential photo: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F1.8, ISO200.

Ring exchange. An essential photo: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F1.8, ISO200.

Ring exchange part 2: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F2.0, ISO200.

Ring exchange part 2: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125sec, F2.0, ISO200.

Cheeky candid: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/160sec, F2.0, ISO200.

Cheeky candid: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/160sec, F2.0, ISO200.

Another essential - the kiss shot: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/160sec, F2.0, ISO200.

Another essential – the kiss shot: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/160sec, F2.0, ISO200.

Close up of the flowers: Fuji X-E1 with the XF18-55mm F2.8-4 lens shot at 1/60sec, F4.5, ISO800.

Close up of the flowers: Fuji X-E1 with the XF18-55mm F2.8-4 lens shot at 1/60sec, F4.5, ISO800.

Main Table Decor: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F1.4, ISO200.

Main Table Decor: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F1.4, ISO200.

Candid portrait: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F1.6, ISO200.

Candid portrait: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F1.6, ISO200.

Family photo: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F1.8, ISO200.

Family photo: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F1.8, ISO200.

Wedding cake: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F1.8, ISO200.

Wedding cake: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F1.8, ISO200.

Table detail close up: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F2.2, ISO200.

Table detail close up: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F2.2, ISO200.

Narrow depth of field during the walk in: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F1.6, ISO200.

Narrow depth of field during the walk in: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F1.6, ISO200.

Quick grab portrait: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/60 sec, F1.4, ISO200.

Quick grab portrait: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/60 sec, F1.4, ISO200.

Candid of the groom during the speeches: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F1.8, ISO200.

Candid of the groom during the speeches: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F1.8, ISO200.

Photo ops are every where: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F1.4, ISO200.

Photo ops are every where: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F1.4, ISO200.

She was dancing around gaily. Fast focusing nailed it: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/125 sec, F1.4, ISO200.

Good night: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/80 sec, F1.8, ISO200.

Good night: Fuji X-E1 and XF35mm F1.4 lens shot at 1/80 sec, F1.8, ISO200.

Fujifilm X-Pro1 as a wedding camera

A heavy kick of rice wine in traditional Kadazan bamboo cups shot with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/50 sec F1.4 ISO2000
A heavy kick of rice wine in traditional Kadazan bamboo cups shot with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/50 sec F1.4 ISO2000
A heavy kick of rice wine in traditional Kadazan bamboo cups shot with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/50 sec F1.4 ISO2000

Back in September I covered a wedding in Kota Kinabalu and had the FujiFilm X-Pro1 along with me. While relying on my main DSLRs I wanted to test out the viability of using Fuji’s retro styled camera for weddings. My background was from way back when we used film, including the Leica M series of cameras. Since those days cameras have gotten bigger and heavier. I weighed my gear the other day and blanched when I realised I am usually carrying 30lbs on me at every wedding for 8-10 hours. No wonder I am fit! However we are always looking for ways to reduce the weight, so we thought we would give the camera a trial along side our normal “beasts”.

Ease of use: Once you forget about your DSLRs and relearn the controls, the X-Pro1 is quite quick to operate. There are some annoying quirks such as the lack of diopter adjustment for the viewfinder and trying to decide whether the optical or electronic viewfinder is more useful. Both of these gripes have been rectified in the newer X-E1.

Autofocus was sluggish, REALLY sluggish. Fortunately Fuji have been listening to photographers and have fixed this with a firmware upgrade. Yes, REALLY! The lenses are firmware upgradeable and with the update they focus positively and quickly. No matter what you may have heard before, the focus speed is no longer a major problem.

Write speed when shooting RAW is not spectacular, however its not really an issue if you shoot like we do. “Spray and pray” photographers will not like this camera. Move along nothing to see here for that crowd.

Lenses: REALLY GOOD. They seem to be more flare resistant than the Nikon and Canon pro-glass that we use on a regular basis. I am NOT a camera or lens reviewer, so I have no tests, only real world images taken when the fleeting moment occurs, so I have no side by side analysis of this. I would love to see a proper test done on this as this may be Fuji’s “ace-up-the-sleeve”. Many people don’t know that Fuji has a long and illustrious lens making history, and their lenses all pretty much shine here. Some people have found the 18mm to not be a stellar lens, but I haven’t had any clients complain. Sharp is irrelevant as long as the photos sell!

As this was before the lens and body firmware upgrade it was not easy to shoot with, but that has CHANGED. Will do a post on this soon so do not allow any of my negative comments above sway you from not buying into this system.

So on to the photos: The following were taken with Fujifilms X-Pro1 camera, along with the XF18mm F2 R, XF35mm F1.4 R, and the XF60mm F2.4R Macro. I have included relevant exposure and lens data.

Brides shoes photographed with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/50 sec F1.4 ISO250

Brides shoes photographed with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/50 sec F1.4 ISO250

Bridal gown photo taken with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/50 sec F4.0 ISO200

Bridal gown photo taken with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/50 sec F4.0 ISO200

Brides sister applying makeup taken with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/110 sec F1.4 ISO200

Brides sister applying makeup taken with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/110 sec F1.4 ISO200

Shoes and veil photo taken with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/140 sec F1.4 ISO200

Shoes and veil photo taken with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/140 sec F1.4 ISO200

Make up of the bride taken with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/80 sec F1.4 ISO200

Make up of the bride taken with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/80 sec F1.4 ISO200

Overview of the church ceremony taken with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF18mm F2.0 R shot at 1/40 sec F2.0 ISO200

Overview of the church ceremony taken with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF18mm F2.0 R shot at 1/40 sec F2.0 ISO200

Bridesmaids taken with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF60mm F2.4 R macro shot at 1/90 sec F2.4 ISO1000

Bridesmaids taken with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF60mm F2.4 R macro shot at 1/90 sec F2.4 ISO1000

Bride's bouquet taken with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF60mm F2.4 R macro shot at 1/90 sec F2.8 ISO1250

Bride’s bouquet taken with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF60mm F2.4 R macro shot at 1/90 sec F2.8 ISO1250

Bride and Groom portrait taken with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF60mm F2.4 R macro shot at 1/90 sec F2.4 ISO500

Bride and Groom portrait taken with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF60mm F2.4 R macro shot at 1/90 sec F2.4 ISO500

Wedding cake shot with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/50 sec F1.4 ISO640

Wedding cake shot with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/50 sec F1.4 ISO640

Bride in traditional Kadazan outfit shot with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/50 sec F1.4 ISO1600

Bride in traditional Kadazan outfit shot with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF35mm F1.4 R shot at 1/50 sec F1.4 ISO1600

Bride's sister singing shot with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF60mm F2.4 R macro shot at 1/90 sec F2.4 ISO3200

Bride’s sister singing shot with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF60mm F2.4 R macro shot at 1/90 sec F2.4 ISO3200

Bride's sister singing shot with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF60mm F2.4 R macro shot at 1/90 sec F2.4 ISO2000

Bride’s sister singing shot with the Fuji X-Pro1 and XF60mm F2.4 R macro shot at 1/90 sec F2.4 ISO2000

Designer wedding gowns by Vera Wang, Badgley Mishka, St Pucchi, Reem Acra, Carolina Herrera, Madeline Gardner, Monique Lhuillier, and Pronovias Costura

Featuring gowns by Vera Wang, Badgley Mishka, St Pucchi, Reem Acra, Carolina Herrera, Madeline Gardner, Pronovias Costura, and Monique Lhuillier

Featuring gowns by Vera Wang, Badgley Mishka, St Pucchi, Reem Acra, Carolina Herrera, Madeline Gardner, Pronovias Costura, and Monique Lhuillier

Featuring gowns by Vera Wang, Badgley Mishka, St Pucchi, Reem Acra, Carolina Herrera, Madeline Gardner, Pronovias Costura, and Monique Lhuillier


I think all ladies would like to wear a beautiful gown by a New York designer for their wedding day. The problem is they are out of most peoples price range. One of my friends in the wedding industry has come to the rescue. We would like to offer you the chance to wear a beautiful designer wedding gown for your pre-wedding shoot. For free. Yes! For FREE!!
Its a great opportunity so please book soon!

So which designers are on offer? I have wedding gowns by the following:

  • Vera Wang
  • Badgley Mishka
  • St Pucchi
  • Reem Acra
  • Carolina Herrera
  • Madeline Gardner
  • Monique Lhuillier
  • Pronovias Costura

They are available in my studio in Petaling Jaya. You may use for your pre-wedding, or wedding shoot, or if you prefer you can buy them out right at a very affordable price point! I look forward to hearing from you.

St Pucchi wedding gown malaysia

This wedding gown retailed for USD30,000. You have access to it when you book your pre-wedding with me

Carolina Herrera Wedding Gown in Malaysia

Carolina Herrera wedding gowns are beustiful

A Badgley Mishka wedding gown

Badgley Mishka

Reem Acra wedding gown rental malaysia

A lovely Reem Acra wedding gown

Carolina Herrera Wedding Gown in Malaysia

You can get designs by Carolina Herrera

monique lhuillier wedding gown rental malaysia

Another beautiful gown you can use for free for your pre-wedding shoot

Monique Lhuillier wedding gown rental malaysia

A Monique Lhuillier wedding gown

Wedding Gown by Mori Lee

Wedding Gown by Mori Lee

Badgley Mishka wedding gown

A Badgley Mishka wedding gown

A Vera Wang wedding gown

A Vera Wang wedding gown. Beautiful.

Pronovias Costura wedding gown malaysia

I have gowns from Pronovias Costura

St Pucchi lovely wedding gown rental malaysia

St Pucchi makes lovely wedding gowns

Vera Wang wedding gown malaysia

I have gowns by Vera Wang


Ryan and Rebecca’s Wedding at St Thomas Church and the Hyatt Regency, Kuantan

Ryan and Rebecca's Kuantun Wedding at St Thomas and the Hyatt
Ryan and Rebecca's Kuantun Wedding at St Thomas and the Hyatt
The beautiful bride

Rebecca asked me to be her wedding photographer back in May this year. Like many of my out station brides the first time we met was the night before the wedding when we checked into our hotel. After that it was off to the rehearsal at St Thomas Church in the middle of Kuantan town. Rebecca’s family were most welcoming when we met them there and we went through the rehearsal with them.

The next morning we kicked the actual wedding day off with family photos at their new house before heading down to St Thomas Church. After a sweet intimate service and a really tasty lunch at the church (roast lamb is ALWAYS a winner!!!) we headed back to the Hyatt Regency on the beach front for portraits.

As is usual for us portraits were done on the actual day. It was VERY hot and as the middle of the day is usually not conducive due to the harsh shadows the sun gives, we looked for window light. As you can see from the photo above this worked great. The beautiful photo featuring the beach and sea behind the lovely couple was tricky. Three flashes were used, two on full power, whilst the other one was held way out behind them to give some separation to the image. It was a long way down so good job we didn’t drop that light!

Dinner was obviously fun, as you can see from the photography below. At the end of the wedding banquet we finished as we started, with a family group photo, albeit much bigger.

Cameras used were my trusty Nikon D3 and the new Canon 5DmkIII. Every time I look at my beat up D3 camera thinking it’s time to replace it I just need to look at how great the photos it produces to bring me back to earth . The top photo is with the D3.

Prospective brides often ask me how many images we shoot on the day so I will try to remember to include the number in future posts. For this wedding there were 801 photos in total.

Wedding at St Thomas Church KuantanWedding at St Thomas Church KuantanWedding at St Thomas Church KuantanWedding at St Thomas Church KuantanWedding at St Thomas Church KuantanWedding at St Thomas Church KuantanWedding at St Thomas Church KuantanWedding at St Thomas Church KuantanWedding at St Thomas Church KuantanWedding at St Thomas Church KuantanWedding at St Thomas Church KuantanWedding at St Thomas Church KuantanWedding at St Thomas Church KuantanWedding at St Thomas Church KuantanWedding at St Thomas Church KuantanWedding at St Thomas Church KuantanWedding portraits at the Kuantan Hyatt HotelWedding portraits at the Kuantan Hyatt HotelWedding portraits at the Kuantan Hyatt HotelWedding portraits at the Kuantan Hyatt HotelKuantan Hyatt Wedding dinner for Ryan and RebeccaKuantan Hyatt Wedding dinner for Ryan and RebeccaKuantan Hyatt Wedding dinner for Ryan and RebeccaKuantan Hyatt Wedding dinner for Ryan and RebeccaKuantan Hyatt Wedding dinner for Ryan and RebeccaKuantan Hyatt Wedding dinner for Ryan and RebeccaKuantan Hyatt Wedding dinner for Ryan and RebeccaKuantan Hyatt Wedding dinner for Ryan and RebeccaKuantan Hyatt Wedding dinner for Ryan and RebeccaKuantan Hyatt Wedding dinner for Ryan and RebeccaKuantan Hyatt Wedding dinner for Ryan and RebeccaKuantan Hyatt Wedding dinner for Ryan and RebeccaKuantan Hyatt Wedding dinner for Ryan and Rebecca

Mac and Kevin’s Wedding at Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang and Cyberview Lodge

Our lady of lourdes Klang wedding portraits

Mac and Kevin approached me to be their wedding photographer earlier this year. it was a two day event with their Roman Catholic wedding at Our Lady of Lourdes in Klang, followed by lunch and their tea ceremony. It turned out to be one of the most fun tea ceremonies to date, possibly because lunch was so much fun.

A few weeks later we were down at Cyberview Lodge to cover the official wedding banquet dinner. As you can see it was a lot of fun!

Our lady of lourdes Klang weddingOur lady of lourdes Klang weddingOur lady of lourdes Klang weddingOur lady of lourdes Klang weddingOur lady of lourdes Klang weddingOur lady of lourdes Klang weddingOur lady of lourdes Klang weddingOur lady of lourdes Klang weddingOur lady of lourdes Klang weddingOur lady of lourdes Klang weddingOur lady of lourdes Klang weddingOur lady of lourdes Klang weddingOur lady of lourdes Klang weddingOur lady of lourdes Klang wedding portraitsOur lady of lourdes Klang wedding portraitsOur lady of lourdes Klang wedding portraitsOur lady of lourdes Klang wedding portraitsChinese tea ceremony and lunch in klangChinese tea ceremony and lunch in klangChinese tea ceremony and lunch in klangChinese tea ceremony and lunch in klangChinese tea ceremony and lunch in klangChinese tea ceremony and lunch in klangChinese tea ceremony and lunch in klangChinese tea ceremony and lunch in klangChinese tea ceremony and lunch in klangChinese tea ceremony and lunch in klangcyberview lodge wedding dinner of mac and KevinChinese tea ceremony and lunch in klangcyberview lodge wedding portraits of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevincyberview lodge wedding dinner banquet of mac and Kevin

Property of Grant Corban Photography Sdn Bhd (666138-V)